Large civil engineering, building construction or engineering projects consist of many sub-projects, phases and disciplines, and each stage must be completed within a previously agreed timetable. Delays in construction projects are usually subject to high extra costs and penalties. A lead contractor often looks after day-to-day project management for the building owner, while the lead consultant may also handle planning and financing tasks. However, the building owner is still involved in the overall completion of the project.
Complex schedules, current budget and cost overviews, detailed contract management, and risk management are just a few of the challenges for companies managing large construction projects. In this environment, a powerful IT solution is essential. By integrating different systems, such as ERP and document management, with the project management system, decision-makers can manage the challenges more easily.
TPG The Project Group has more than 25 years of experience in providing project management solutions for companies working on large construction projects.
Expand the following text modules and read about the proven components of solutions for the construction sector based on Microsoft or Planisware technologies.
“We now have an extended Microsoft Project Server System that enables us to plan and monitor the XFEL project in a way that corresponds with our requirements. TPG’s design and system expertise were particularly helpful, especially during the definition and implementation phases.”
Dr. Riko Wichmann, Director XFEL Project Office, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Microsoft Project Server / Project Online (Microsoft PPM) is a very powerful and easy-to-use tool for centralized project management. Construction management, project managers and contractors all use a single work and information platform.
More information on Microsoft Project Server or Project Online.
Microsoft Project Server / Project Online can be extended for program and multi-project management functions enabling managers to aggregate multiple sub-projects into an easy-to-read overall plan of key milestones or tasks.
More information on TPG ProjectLink or TPG MultiProject(QS).
Microsoft Project Server / Project Online is a powerful tool for centralized, enterprise-wide project management. Used in conjunction with an add-on tool designed especially for program management, it enables managers to make top-down plans at the program level and mirror them into sub-projects.
Bottom-up planning is also available, as project participants can report current plan data from their sub-projects to program management for further control.
More information on TPG ProjectLink or TPG MultProject(QS).
Microsoft Project Server / Project Online can be extended with “Softlinks” to show project managers important tasks in other projects. This enables users to easily share important information between individual Microsoft Project plans. If required, these links can also be implemented across several companies, without having to show users complete external schedules (such as those of suppliers or customers).
More information on TPG ProjectLink or TPG MultiProject(QS).
Project managers plan best in a PM system (e.g. Microsoft Project or Planisware), while financial controllers prefer to work with the ERP system (e.g. SAP). The integration of both systems streamlines processes and makes things a lot easier for everyone. They can easily share many types of information, such as delivery dates and cost or budget data.
More information on TPG PSLink®.
Microsoft Project Server provides important reports on individual projects or project portfolios at your fingertips. A role-based concept and access rights ensure that project members and managers only see the reports that are intended for them.
Individually adapted to the needs, the automated reporting system brings a wealth of benefits to the entire organization.
More information on TPG ReportPack or Microsoft Power BI.
Multi-projects and programs are managed on the basis of important milestones within the sub-projects that can be rolled up from all sub-projects into a central overview. Managers find it useful to see how the milestones have changed over time.
However, Microsoft Project Server / Project Online only includes 10 base plans.
TPG helps by providing an integrated Milestone Trend Analysis (MTA) chart to support analysis and ensure timely detection of bottlenecks.
Download the free MTA for MS Project Client.
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