Why Genuinely Suitable Software for Project Resource Management Is Essential

Enterprise-wide resource management can only be successful if resource management is forward-looking and complete. To achieve this, resource availability needs to be determined prior to project approval in the context of portfolio management. On the other hand, planning must include operations alongside activities for projects. This makes it necessary to involve the team leaders in the planning process, not just the project managers.

While being well suited for planning individual projects, tools for project managers are unfortunately not suitable for the requirements of team leaders. Hence, many companies try to master the challenges of resource management with Excel software. Yet, this approach tends to result in isolated applications neither using a central database nor connected to the project management tools.

The Benefits of Resource Management Software

Appropriate resource management software enables you to master all the problems described above. It has the following benefits:

  • Complete overview of resource utilization
  • Centralized data storage
  • Integration of project and resource management tools

The goal is to assign the right resources to the right projects, avoid overload and resolve conflicts efficiently. This will only work with the right resource management software. Find more detail on the Requirements for Resource Management Software here.

TPG CoReSuite provides an overview of the workload of existing team members (= resources) and a comparison with the available capacities. By testing scenarios, you will find the optimal resource utilization. This will enable you to better achieve your strategic corporate objectives.

To support capacity and resource planning, it provides three apps for working in the areas of project management, team management and portfolio management.

Types and Usage of Resource Management Tools

Most companies require more resources (people and machines) for projects than are available. At the same time, the required skills (qualifications) constantly change. Special resource management software can help you master these challenges.

1) Strategic Resource Management

Strategic resource management includes long-term planning of employee qualifications and capacities. It is also known as capacity planning. The questions are the following: which and how many resources are necessary for upcoming projects and operations? How many do we need to hire or train in addition, if any? In most cases, portfolio managers take on this task. The appropriate software compares the requirements of the project managers at the level of skills against the available qualified capacities of the team leaders in scenarios.

2) Tactical Resource Management

Tactical resource planning is the medium-term creation of project teams. It includes the ongoing coordination between project managers and team leaders regarding the deployment of staff members in projects and operations. With the aid of special resource management software, team leaders make the requested resources with the relevant qualifications available to the project managers. This happens at project level.

3) Operational Resource Management / Work Planning

The last remaining term is operational resource management. In our definition, this is the ongoing detailed work planning for the resources committed to the individual projects at task level. It is carried out be the project managers. Special work planning software is adequate for this purpose.

Three Business Cases and Matching TPG Products

1) Project Portfolio and Resource Management

Inserting new projects into an existing project portfolio without generating excessive peak loads is tricky. This process is supported by TPG PortfolioManager with its graphical approach of resource-optimized portfolio planning.

Learn more about TPG PortfolioManager

2) Resources in Matrix Organizations

In a matrix organization, TPG TeamManager supports the process of requesting and committing skills and staff between project managers and team leaders. In addition, the tool supports team leaders in planning their team’s entire activities, both in projects and operations.

Learn more about TPG TeamManager

3) Resources in Line Organizations

In a line organization, the tool TPG ProjectLink enables you to align the data on the deliverables in project plans with the detailed information in the respective team plans. With this resource management software, the coordination of delivery dates between project managers and team leaders runs smoothly.

Learn more about TPG ProjectLink

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11 practice-oriented chapters on the topic of tactical resource planning between project and line managers

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