8 Project Management Trends in 2025 – Where Are We Headed?


What project management trends will we see in areas such as tools, organizational matters and resource planning? In this article (updated in early 2025), we take a look ahead to the coming years in agile, traditional and hybrid project environments.

The trends, however, do not apply to all industries and types of projects in the same way. We combine our own experience with the information from public sources and derive the main points from this. Based on assessments and forecasts, you will be able to implement the right strategies for your project management environment.

Our goal: you have peace of mind, knowing that you always have full control over your project environment.

These are the topics in store for you:

Let us start with a look at a couple of studies relevant to the project management trends topic!

Some Relevant Studies

The world has changed significantly in the last few years – not least due to the COVID-19 pandemic, digitization or climate change. This also has an impact on our professional world.

Thus, the German Handelsblatt writes in its article on the current STEM shortage in Germany (German: MINT) from November 07, 2024: “Germany has a particularly large shortage of applicants in STEM professions: the German economy is in crisis and is under considerable pressure to innovate and transform. There is a shortage of the necessary professionals already at training level.” A massive gap for the future presenting the world of work with new challenges. This trend will continue in 2025.

This has an impact on the skills required of employees – the so-called future skills. The Stifterverband and McKinsey & Company published the “Future Skills Framework 2021(German language). According to this source, it is possible to differentiate four categories:

  • Traditional skills
  • Key digital skills
  • Technological skills
  • Transformational skills

Above all, the respondents considered the skill of problem-solving ability important, as well as entrepreneurial behavior, initiative, resilience and creativity. And it is exactly these skills that will gain importance over the next few years according to the survey.

Key digital skills, such as digital collaboration and agile methods, are coming more and more into focus.

Yet, what project management trends can be derived from these developments? Let us get into our forecasts.

Trend 1: More Artificial Intelligence in Project Management

Artificial intelligence is no longer an emerging trend in project management but has become an enduring factor. AI will also bring profound changes in 2025. What was still up in the air a few years ago has now become reality. AI is taking over more routine tasks and supporting project managers in making complex decisions.

What makes AI in project management so relevant?

  • Rapid AI progress: In recent years, AI development has made leaps and bounds, especially in the area of language comprehension and data analysis.
  • Increasingly complex projects: Today’s work environment is characterized by constant change and new challenges. AI can help project managers master this complexity.
  • Desire for more efficiency and automation: AI can automate routine tasks, freeing up time and resources for strategically important tasks.

Specific application possibilities for AI in project management:

  • Better planning: AI can learn from historical project data enabling it to make realistic plans for duration, effort and costs.
  • Automation and routine tasks: For example, AI can send invitations to meetings with relevant content, generate status reports, identify risks and suggest appropriate actions.
  • Support with decisions: AI can analyze large amounts of data and thus deliver valuable results that lead to more informed decisions.

AI agents: Digital assistants in project management

The AI agents that everyone is talking about at the moment are a particularly exciting aspect. Not only can they answer questions or summarize texts. They can also carry out complex instructions and interact with other systems. As digital assistants, they can cover the project managers’ backs. This gives the latter more scope for strategic tasks.

Example AI agent: Imagine that you have a team meeting every Monday morning for which you are responsible. An AI agent could automatically compile the most important information from the past week for you from e-mails, documents and PM tools and make it available to the participants in good time before the meeting.

Challenges and opportunities:

AI in project management has enormous potential. On the other hand, it involves challenges such as:

  • Data quality: The quality of the AI-based decisions depends heavily on the quality of the underlying data.
  • Training and acceptance: Employees must be trained in the use of AI tools. Moreover, companies must promote a culture of openness towards new technologies.

The opportunities are obvious: AI in project management helps companies be efficient, data-driven and flexible in the way they work. There is a clear trend towards a stronger integration of AI in all areas of project management.

The graphic below shows the results of a poll in a German-language TPG webinar from January 2025 asking what the participants would like to see in AI support in project management.

Project management trends – support AI tools
Webinar poll on AI support in webinar on trends in project management from early 2025 (TPG The Project Group)

Tool manufacturers are currently developing AI support which will increasingly go beyond good reporting based on the existing project data. The goal is to provide AI-supported help for:

  • Automatic resource leveling
  • Automatic updates of the project plan
  • Questions like “What would happen if this project task were shifted …”

Our tip: Play around with tools like Microsoft Copilot, ChatGPT or others. Learn how to benefit the most from the tools by making your questions more and more specific. At the same time, find out where the current limitations of the tool lie.

Trend 2: PM Tools and Automated Data Use

It is already much easier than before to begin using PM tools. This has become possible through the flexible use of offerings in the cloud.

These tools:

  • Are easier to use, as an installation is unnecessary
  • Enable easier billing due to monthly licensing per user
  • Cause less trouble when it comes to cross-company access
  • Enable better collaboration
  • Offer the possibility to use different tools on a case-by-case basis
  • Are easier to launch and more flexible to use in the cloud

Our reading tip: The article PMO Tools: Software for Multi-Project Management” first discusses the results of a German-language survey on PMO tools. Then, you will read about an optimum PMO tool environment for multi-project, portfolio and resource management – the PPM Paradise. This is not about the specific PMO software and tools by one manufacturer – instead, you will learn what components will be required and what these should be able to do.

Other Tool Trends in Project Management

In addition to the aforementioned rapid developments regarding tools in the AI area, there are other important trends such as:

  • Blending agile and traditional: The discussion about the best approach in project management has largely come to an end. Today, companies use a combination of traditional and agile methods, depending on the project and the requirements.
  • Integration into Microsoft Teams: Most project management tools already provide web front-ends. There is however a trend towards specific app functionalities in Microsoft Teams to make them easier to use in day-to-day work.
  • Multi-level scheduling: The increasing complexity of projects (especially in the areas of infrastructure and large-scale construction) requires more scheduling in programs. These enable interconnected master schedules and detailed schedules across different levels.
  • Data-driven decisions: The history of projects and the evaluation of relevant data are becoming more and more important for making informed decisions.
  • Low-code platforms: For individual adaptations, low-code platforms such as Microsoft Power Platform or SmartSheet are gaining in importance. They make it easy to create applications and enhancements without in-depth programming skills.
  • Agile mindset in software selection: Rather than write long specifications and search for the perfect PPM tool, companies should start quickly with a basic product. This should be adapted to their own needs in iterations.

PDF Download: Comparing PM Methodologies: Agile, Traditional, and Hybrid

This downloadable article about project management methodologies outlines the differences between agile, traditional and hybrid and will help you to choose the right method for your project.

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More Support Due to Automation

Even though many providers now support agile and traditional methods in one and the same tool – no company has yet found the universally convincing combination. However, if different tools are used (each accepted as optimal in its area of application), data must be exchanged between the tools. In many cases, this is still done manually.

Fewer and fewer people are ready to accept the manual compilation and repeated entry of data for reports. The days in which people were already happy when data could be transferred between systems at all are over – there is a call to have existing data automatically consolidated.

Powerful integration middleware can help achieve this. Use cases are for example the bidirectional data exchange between project management and ERP, CRM and work management systems. It allows you to create project reports at the push of a button, without much manual effort.

Our tip: Find out about suitable cloud-based tools for your (multi-)project management, e.g., in webinars or on YouTube. Often, getting started is much cheaper than imagined, even for very powerful products. And familiarize yourself with e.g. the Microsoft Power Apps instead of Excel and Word. There are modern and powerful solutions that can also be expanded quickly with SAP integration or data exchange with Jira, DevOps, CRM or any other system.

Trend 3: Overstrain on the Individuals Involved

The overstrain perceived by project participants is a trend which has seen a dramatic increase in recent years. It will further increase in 2025. Global crises, constant changes in the world of work and the increasing complexity of projects lead to feelings of overload and fear of new challenges.

Another important factor is the increasing rate of change. New technologies, agile methods, remote work – project participants must constantly adapt to new working methods and tools. This leads to stress and uncertainty.

To make matters worse, many companies neglect the human factor in project management and fail to offer sufficient support for mastering these challenges.

The Project Management Institute’s (PMI®) Annual Global Survey on Project Management (2023 / 2024) arrives at the following recommendations:

  • Due to the complexity of projects and the unpredictability of internal and external forces, companies should focus on improving their employees’ power skills for adapting to new working environments.
  • Key requirements such as mentoring, mental health resources and communities of practice are positively correlated with a higher project performance.
  • Project professionals need support to continuously adapt to new working methods. Technical skills, the use of AI to manage projects more effectively, the ability to lead virtual teams through complex projects – all of these need to be learned. In addition, business acumen must be taught in order to achieve results in accordance with corporate objectives.

The graphic below shows the results of a poll in a January 2025 webinar asking what support the participants receive from their companies in order to prevent overstrain.

Poll on support in project management (webinar Projektmanagement-Trends)
Webinar poll on the support provided by companies (Source: Webinar “Projektmanagement-Trends” from 01/2025, The Project Group)

Trend 4: Communication Is Increasingly Integrated into Project Plans

In the project context, communication has always been a key component of project success. For instance, Microsoft Teams is now an integral part and often a key tool in the project environment partially replacing Outlook.

Communication is increasingly becoming an integral part of project plans. This can improve project planning. For instance, if the chat for a task in the project plan can be directly accessed from the task, all information is instantly available. It can be evaluated as Lessons Learned for future projects. Thus, knowledge does not “get lost”.

The PMI’s “Pulse of the Profession® 2023” survey has shown vividly how important the so-called power skills are. Once again, the ability of project managers to communicate adequately is at the top of the list.

Individual Power Skills (source: PMI Pulse of the Profession® 2023)

Another important issue is to make the knowledge existing in the company available to as many people as possible in a sustainable way (“if company X knew what company X knows”). If this works better, the knowledge will also have a positive impact on future project results. This will be another important field for the application of AI in the future.

This also includes the sharing of knowledge.

Knowledge Sharing Continues on the Rise

You will be familiar with this problem: gurus as a single source keeping their important knowledge to themselves create bottlenecks in resource planning.

Fixed teams and deputies support the sharing of knowledge

If you have too few suitable staff members with similar knowledge whom you can deploy at the same time, this will lead to resource conflicts. The closer the skills of the available staff members are to each other, the easier it will be to assign them. This will automatically reduce conflicts.

Yet, this will only work if you really share the knowledge. Hence, the actual number of people is not the problem but the bottlenecks for certain skills.

You may be faster on your own in the short term. In the long term, however, you will get further together. In agile environments, this mindset is the norm. Yet, for many established traditional organizational structures, this kind of rethinking will be a major challenge.

The trend towards sharing knowledge is becoming more and more prevalent regardless of the industry. As a project management trend, it is increasingly exhibited by the younger generation.

Our tip: Support the different options to communicate (e.g., via chat) and try to make the knowledge you have gathered available for future projects (e.g., with AI tools). Plus, ensure that the knowledge of key experts is distributed among several heads.

Trend 5: Changes in Project Planning

Today, it is no longer enough that something is meant to be done. Increasingly, we ask about how and why.

Three key trends are shaping the changes:

  • Increasing complexity of contents and circumstances: Projects are becoming increasingly complex and require a deeper understanding of the subject matter. The times of standardized schedules are over. Project managers must work closely with the team members as experts from the different areas of knowledge and incorporate their know-how into planning.
  • Blending traditional and agile project planning: Companies are increasingly aware that neither purely traditional nor purely agile methods are the optimal solution for all projects. Instead, they are looking for the individual mix. Such hybrid approaches make it possible to react flexibly to new requirements while retaining the structure and planning reliability of traditional methods.
  • Multi-level scheduling: Large-scale projects, especially in the areas of infrastructure and energy, require interconnected planning across different levels. Master, detailed and execution plans must seamlessly integrate. This is the only way to ensure the complex coordination of the processes. This means that the demand for traditional PM methods and PPM tools will remain strong.
  • Consideration of ESG issues: The significance of ESG criteria (environmental, social, governance) in project management is steadily on the rise. Companies must take these criteria into account, both when selecting and prioritizing projects (portfolio management) and when planning and implementing them. For the project manager and the team, this means taking on new responsibilities.

While these trends are a new challenge for project planning, they also provide an opportunity to realize future-oriented and sustainable projects.

A poll in our 1/2025 webinar showed that only about a quarter of the participants had defined ESG guidelines while ESG was not a factor for more than two thirds.

Webinar poll on ESG in the context of "Projektmanagement-Trends" webinar
Webinar poll on ESG projects (source: “Projektmanagement Trends 2025” webinar from 01/2025, TPG The Project Group)

Focusing on the Project Benefits

Missing targets is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to afford. Hence, your portfolio should be increasingly focused on the actual benefits of the results of your projects. Once the intended benefits of a project can no longer be achieved, a project termination is a good decision. This is particularly important in an environment of scarce resources.

Our tip: Consider how to implement three-part project planning with a focus on the project benefits (e.g. in portfolio management). A suggestion would be:

  • Description of the goals and the benefits
  • Roadmap with phases, milestones and deliverables for the recipients of the service
  • Internal detailed planning with the activities for achieving the deliverables for (increasingly self-organized) teams


Trend 6: Change Management and Transparency Are Becoming More Important

The difference between project and change management

Change management remains a key success factor in project management. Even the best tools and methods are useless if the project participants are not involved and reject the changes.

In the last few years, we have seen that many companies notice resistance to change but do not take steps to counteract it.

There is enormous untapped potential in this. After all, active change management involves the affected parties at an early stage, communicates transparently and provides sufficient support. This can significantly increase the acceptance of new tools, processes and working methods.

To make projects successful, it is indispensable to duly address the change process in the organization in parallel to the actual content implementation. This is the task of change management in projects.

Among other things, change management serves to improve the acceptance of the project outcome

It will depend on the scope of the changes and on the number of people affected whether taking care of the change will be a task for the project manager. However, it probably always makes sense in such ventures to get change management specialists on board.

This insight may not be new. Still, lately people have not only talked about it but acted on it. Change management is a key success factor for projects in the future. It is vital to ensure the following:

  • Creating an open error culture: Project participants must feel safe to ask questions and raise problems at an early stage without fear of negative consequences.
  • Communication of the goals and benefits of changes: Those affected must understand why this change is necessary and what benefits it will bring.
  • Training and support for new working methods: Especially when introducing new tools or agile methods, it is important that project participants receive the necessary support.
  • Early involvement of those affected: Change management should not start when the decisions have already been made. Instead, the project participants should be involved in the change process from the start.

Greater Transparency Now Supported

This includes a growing readiness for greater transparency in the project environment: red traffic lights are now often deliberately set as an early-warning system and are no longer a no-go as they used to be. There is an increasing readiness to want to change something for the better. The former habit of ducking away in difficult situations continues to subside. More and more people point to deficiencies and want to contribute to changing things.

A poll in our 1/2025 webinar revealed that a quarter of the participants still saw no real response to resistance to changes – a deplorable number with a lot of potential for the companies affected. The same result applied to assessing the effectiveness of trainings. At least, the majority regarded training (63%) and sponsors (56%) as necessary in the context of changes.

Poll on change management in companies in Projektmanagement-Trends webinar 2025
Webinar poll on change management in companies (source: “Projektmanagement Trends 2025” webinar from 01/2025, TPG The Project Group)

Our tip: In change projects, ensure from the beginning that the people affected by the changes are properly prepared and assisted.

Read more here: Change Management in Projects for Project Managers

Trend 7: Resource Planning Is Becoming More and More Important

Recent studies and surveys have clearly shown that project resource management is becoming more and more important. This is commonly considered the “most difficult area” of project management. That is why many companies have not addressed it so far.

In actual fact, getting started with successful resource management is not that hard. What matters, however, is the right approach, starting with rough planning, and that all activities of the resources are tracked completely. Only then can resource planning work properly in the team, project and company at portfolio level.

Besides, all roles must be involved.

Project management trends – Levels of enterprise-wide resource planning
The three levels of enterprise-wide resource management (strategic, tactical, operational) and the responsibilities of the roles involved

Project Management Office (PMO)

Thus, the PMO for example is increasingly taking on the coordination of resource management alongside team leaders and project managers. Together with the decision-makers, this central office has to provide capacities with the appropriate skills in a forward-looking manner.

Team Leaders

The team leaders are increasingly involved in ensuring their team members receive ongoing training. For example, retraining personnel is one way of continuously increasing knowledge. The goal should be to retain employees in the long term. Expanding their knowledge will not only strengthen the staff’s ties with the company but will also provide for employee satisfaction. After all, satisfaction with one’s own job is becoming more and more important in the fast-moving labor market.

Project Managers

Project managers are increasingly engaged in finding solutions for clear goals and social skills. Traditionally, it used to be possible to define a clear goal with the project order. These days, however, we are often unable to fully define this, which makes a different approach to the topic necessary. In addition, the constantly growing number of projects means that the responsibility of the project managers to adequately take care of everything has increased.

Team Members

Mastering all of this, requires team members to deal honestly with ambiguity, lack of knowledge, and deadlines (see also VUCA in Project Management). After all, the main reason for unsuccessful projects is that goals have been missed or not defined clearly.

Our tip: Good resource management will only work together – in the interaction between project manager, team leader, team member and PMO. Lay the foundations with processes and tools.

The resource planning processes must ensure the involvement of the team leaders in the coordination process between project and line management. Only by looking at both perspectives, will you obtain complete and therefore reliable resource planning.

To make matters worse, new requirements for further projects and future fields of knowledge come up at ever-shorter intervals. These have to be taken into account more flexibly in strategic capacity planning.

Reading tip: 6 Steps to Resource Planning Implementation

For this reason, PMO and portfolio managers require even better support in variable scenario planning. In accordance with the priorities and availabilities of the coming months and years, they have to decide which new projects to start, and when. Some also have to be very flexible in postponing projects and bowing to the new external circumstances.

Rough yet complete resource planning is more helpful for this purpose than precise planning for only a few projects. There is growing acceptance of the “Complete and good enough” approach. What is more, companies are increasingly turning away from Excel in the resource management context, as the tool is just not flexible enough. Special tools for resource management are much better suited to this.

Special Download: Resource Planning Software for the Roles Involved (PDF file)

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Our tip: Rough and complete resource planning (all operations, absences and project activities) is better than planning a few projects in detail while being incomplete overall.

Resource planning as a project management trend – tool TPG CoReSuite
Complete resource planning in the team with operations and project activities as well as absences for each team member (using the example of TPG CoReSuite Team Manager App)

Social and Soft Skills for the Project Management of the Future

If you are working in the project environment, you should consider a few pointers concerning social and soft skills. They will help you be all set for the future trends in the ever more complex project environment and increasingly challenging resource management:

  • See the people, not things, behind the term ‘resources’
  • Encourage creativity in finding solutions
  • Allow for failed attempts and factor them in
  • Create trust as the basis for honest appraisal of the circumstances and tasks
  • Provide for less stress in projects caused by uncertainties (I’m not at home in the subject, we won’t finish, etc.)
  • Create an environment in which teams feel comfortable and do not want to run away
  • Overall, there is a trend requiring project managers to become (like) team leaders – “You can manage things, but you have to lead people.” And why is that so? From the company’s perspective, this is the guiding principle which will be perceived as increasingly true as skilled labor becomes scarcer: “The most important things are no things.”

A poll on the resource situation in the 1/2025 TPG webinar confirmed the importance of pain points in resource management: problems with staff shortage, skills, processes and tools are common.

Poll on resource management in companies in “Projektmanagement-Trends" webinar from January 2025
Webinar poll on resource management in companies (source: “Projektmanagement Trends 2025” webinar from 01/2025, TPG The Project Group)

Trend 8: The PMO Is Becoming More Strategic

The PMO is increasingly taking on responsibility for the implementation of strategic targets. Organizationally, it is most beneficial if the PMO is established as an executive department with direct access to top management.

In this context, successful strategic capacity planning requires an enterprise-wide resource overview and good skills management. Finding and training appropriate resources is essential, as is their even more dynamic assignment to strategically valued projects.

Project management trends – Increasing responsibility of the PMO in strategic capacity planning and portfolio management
Increasing responsibility of the PMO in strategic capacity planning and portfolio management (using the example of the TPG CoReSuite Portfolio Manager App)

In portfolio management, the PMO should work more towards the abort of weaker projects in the future. A purposeful project termination will free staff members on time for projects with a higher priority.

The term “fail cheap” is not new, yet it is particularly important in this context. It makes sense to recognize failure early and take appropriate action before the damage becomes even greater. This supports the cultural change needed in the future towards successful project failure.

Our tip: Ensure from the top down that failed projects can be recognized as such and terminated. This requires a cultural change throughout the company that takes away the project managers’ fear of failure.

Special Download: 10 Vital PMO Success Factors (PDF file)

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A poll in our 1/2024 webinar regarding the desired future PMO functions arrived at the results shown in the graphic below:

Webinar poll on PMO functions (source: “Projektmanagement Trends 2024” webinar from  January 2024, TPG The Project Group)

The respondents rated the support of the project managers highest, followed by standardization and reports, support in portfolio management and the coordination of resource management. Three of four responsibilities were desired by over 50% of the 256 webinar participants.

Special Download: How to set up a PMO in 4 simple steps (PDF file)

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In the future, PMOs must brace themselves for the following changes:

  • Stronger ties to the boardroom / top management
  • Not only creating standards and reports
  • More coordination in resource management
  • Stronger involvement in portfolio management
  • Flexible use of PM methods
  • Individual guidance and support for project managers in traditional, agile or hybrid processes and methods for the right mix
  • Lessons Learned are to be applied and ongoing adjustments to be made to the PM Guide

Conclusion: Project Management Trends

In this article, you have learned which project management trends are foreseeable from our point of view. We have placed particular emphasis on the areas of resource planning, collaboration, roles, methods and tools.

In conclusion, we present all 8 project management trends at a glance:

Our final tips:

Get to know the individually adaptable “PPM Paradise” – the optimal environment for your enterprise-wide project, program, portfolio and resource management (PPM). Download the free eBook “The PPM Paradise” now (just click, no form).

And sign up for our bi-weekly blog newsletter with information on more hands-on articles, eBooks, etc. to improve your project management maturity level.

Do you see other project management trends which you would like to add? We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you.

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Johann Strasser, The Project Group

Johann Strasser
Managing partner at TPG The Project Group


The certified engineer, has been a managing partner at TPG The Project Group since 2001. After many years as a development engineer in the automotive and energy sectors, Johann Strasser spent a decade as an independent trainer and consultant in the field of project management. During his tenure, he also served as project manager for software projects in the construction industry and provided scheduling and cost management support for large-scale construction projects. At TPG, he applies his expertise in product development and consulting services for international clients. His special focus is on PMO, project portfolios, hybrid project management, and resource management. For many years now, he has shared his knowledge through presentations, seminars, articles, and webinars.

You can read more about Johann Strasser on LinkedIn.


Achim Schmidt-Sibeth – Senior Marketing Manager at TPGAchim Schmidt-Sibeth
Senior Marketing Manager


After earning his engineering degree in environmental technology, he gained many years of experience in project management through his work at an engineering office, an equipment manufacturer, and a multimedia agency. Achim Schmidt-Sibeth and his team have been responsible for content marketing and communication at TPG The Project Group for many years now.

Read more about Achim Schmidt-Sibeth on LinkedIn.

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  1. This article sums up so many trials and tribulations with what my team is trying to plan in our organization but the balance of organizational openness to change and the right subject matter experts in the mix of tools makes the goal almost seem unobtainable

  2. Thank you very much for sharing the above article. In my opinion as a PM, 3) Cross-Company Projects Favor Cloud Solutions; 4) Traditional and Agile Tools Are Best Used in Parallel; and 5) More Customer Projects with Agile Implementation are the most important and common trends in 2019 and beyond.

  3. Alim Shaik on

    Interesting article! The last point had made me recollect one more perspective b/w settlers and new comers to a project.

    • Tina Ciotola on

      Thanks Alim, glad you liked the article! yes I think we tend to forget in our attempt to optimize and find new ways – that we might profit even more if we take a hybrid approach and profit from 2 point of views instead of just one.


    In my opinion:
    Trend 1) Complete resource plans wanted – Very good input
    Trend 2) Sharing Knowledge Will Take You Further – Necessary
    Trend 3) Fixed teams deliver better results – Absolutely necessary
    Trend 4) Cross-Company Projects Favor Cloud Solutions – Yes, when it is possible
    Trend 5) More Customer Projects with Agile Implementation – May be
    Trend 6) Traditional and agile tools are best used together – Yes, I already did it and was a very good solution
    Trend 7) Open-ended results deliver greater benefits – Not always
    Trend 8) Project managers, as communication experts, are accountable for the benefit – Necessary most of the times
    Trend 9) Change management concurrent to project management – Necessary
    Trend 10) PMO bears greater responsibility – Yes, good input
    Trend 11) Cultural change towards accepting successful failure – Necessary
    Trend 12) Change is acceptable if you understand why it’s needed – Why, when and how
    Very good article

      • Very good article, Trend 1 is really the top concern now.
        My only comment would be related to Trend 8) Project Managers Are Accountable for More Than the Result only. Why?
        Usually, the Project Manager “PM” hands-over the result to a responsible business person at project buyer organization – because PM is usually needed for the next project. There are responsibilities of:
        – the responsible business person and
        – PMO (or, project portfolio management unit).
        The responsible business person (in optimal situation) had initiated originally the project idea to get it approved as project for realization and should work with the project output, together with his/her colleagues further to bring the benefits of the project realized (e.g., better product competitiveness via value-added features in service-oriented industries). So, the responsible business person should be accountable for bringing the benefits from the investment / the project realized.
        PMO should be responsible for the definition of data needed (together with the responsible business person) before the project justification and approval – and also for checking the situation after the project end to get the required data for the benefits evaluation, This evaluation should be submitted to the same Committee which had approved the project. In optimal situation, the benefits realization should be tied to certain part of annual bonus of the responsible business person.
        Above process would be sign of high PM & PPM maturity level. In reality, at least from my experience, there has been always fierce opposition of responsible business persons to get accounted for the projected benefits / results, drafted by themselves in competition with other project proposals to get their proposal to be realized as project (in other words, most of them inflated expected benefits a lot ;-). From outside it seems that Google has mastered above process – so no wonder they are so successful.

  5. Thank you for an insightful and interesting article. It will certainly give me and my students some points of discussion in the coming months. Thank you!

  6. A very useful article and source for learning such high-quality information! I appreciate you sharing this useful information.

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