Improved Resource Transparency in Project Management at the UK‘s National Air Traffic Services

The Company: National Air Traffic Services (NATS) is the UK’s leading provider of air traffic control (ATC) services provided through two principle operating subsidiaries. It handles over 2.5 million flights and 250 million passengers travelling over the UK and across the North Atlantic. That equates to 6000-7000 flights a day.

The Challenge: Project managers were planning their resources using Excel spreadsheets that were rarely available to line or other project managers. The consequence was a significant lack of transparency in terms of which resources were over- or under-used. This led to bottlenecks and a lack of visibility when planning new projects.

The Solution: NATS selected TPG TeamManager in late 2022 to resolve its resource planning issues. Along with a clear overview of all resources, managers can also see planned absences. For NATS, TPG added an overview of actuals and other enhancements and these are now available in the standard product.

The Benefits: The most obvious benefit to NATS of TPG TeamManager (now a part of the new TPG CoReSuite) is the huge increase in resource data transparency for work centre managers and staff. This transparency leads to fewer incidences of over- or underworked resource, provides clarity and gets all work centre managers, line managers and teams on the same page.


“Discussing its features and functions with stakeholders, it soon became clear that TPG TeamManager would meet the key criteria of usability and a cross-project overview of resource requests and availabilities.”

Chris Coombs, Head of Project Management Office, NATS